Caldershaw Primary

Caldershaw Primary

Nurturing Success Together

Edenfield Road, Rochdale, OL12 7QL

01706 658623

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Class teacher: Mrs Greenhalgh

Teaching assistants: Mrs Shaw and Mrs Hall

Our Class Guidelines

Please see below our class guidelines sheet, which has helpful information about our class routines and expectations.

Our Class Timetable




Caldershaw Collection

Please find a list of books that we will encourage your child to read and enjoy in their year group. The list will give your child a range of different reading experiences, across many different genres. We believe this will encourage a love of reading and give your child more opportunities and exposure to a wide variety of new vocabulary and develop their reading skills further. They would also make ideal presents from family that would support their reading journey through school.


Our local area field work walk allowed us to develop our fieldwork skills of sketching and labelling Knowl Hill.


We really enjoyed making salads in our DT lessons. The children chose their own ingredients and made sure it was fit for supermarket production. 

Home Challenges

Spellings and Multiplication work will come home on a Wednesday to be tested the following Wednesday.

At Caldershaw we know how important reading is: not only to enable us to find out about the world and research specific topics, but (most importantly) in giving life long pleasure.

Please read a book every night and record it in your reading record (remember: all books count). A few pages will do, but make sure you understand what you've read!


Knowledge Organisers

This is an example of one of our knowledge organisers. Knowledge organisers are a summary of key facts, vocabulary and essential information that the children need for each unit of work. Please feel free to print them out and encourage your child to consolidate their learning. All the units are listed below.

 KO Ancient Egypt.pdfDownload
 KO Our Globe.pdfDownload
 KO Rochdale Trade and The Rochdale Pioneers.pdfDownload
 KO Stone Age to Iron Age.pdfDownload
 KO UK.pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5
 KO Animals including humans Y3.pdfDownload
 KO Forces and magnets Y3.pdfDownload
 KO Light Y3.pdfDownload
 KO Plants Y3.pdfDownload
 KO Rocks Y3.pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5
 KO Y3 Landscape.docxDownload
 KO Y3 Portraits.docxDownload
 KO Y3 Printing fossil rubbings.docxDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3
 KO RE Y3.odpDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1
 KO Y3 Music.docxDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Home Learning Sites

TT Rockstars
BBC Bitesize

You have all been given passwords and QR codes to get on these websites. If you are struggling, please contact the office and I will try to get back to you with a solution.


We began our Portraits unit of work by finding out bout three artists and their work - Da Vinci, Archimbold0 and Picasso.


In Science we are looking at Magnets and forces. In our first lesson we explored magnets and wrote down questions that we would like to find out the answer to over the topic.

The next lesson we looked at 'pushing' and 'pulling' forces around us. The children looked for different examples of pushing and pulling around school and on the playground.


This half term we were unplugged with our computing lessons. We focused on understanding branching networks.

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