Caldershaw Primary

Caldershaw Primary

Nurturing Success Together

Edenfield Road, Rochdale, OL12 7QL

01706 658623

MFL (Modern Foreign Languages) Curriculum

MFL (Modern Foreign Languages) Curriculum

Curriculum Statements for MFL (French)


 Our curriculum:

  • is designed around topics which will interest the children and make the learning of the language relevant to their own lives
  • ensures the coverage and progression of the three main strands of language learning – speaking and listening, reading and writing
  • allows the children to gain some cultural understanding of France and its people



  • Taught in Key Stage 2 by the subject leader for subject expertise and consistency.
  • We engage and reinforce children’s prior knowledge at the start of each unit and lesson.
  • We teach the children:-


An appreciation of stories, songs, poems and rhymes.

The ability to listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding.

To be able to speak in sentences.

To be able to read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing.

An ability to write phrases from memory, and adapt these to create new sentences.


  • Wide range of resources.
  • The children record their work in the same exercise book throughout Key Stage 2.
  • General instructional vocabulary is displayed in all Key Stage 2 classrooms.
  • Excellent links to Rochdale’s twin town of Tourcoing.


 Our children will be able to:

  • Speak French with increasing confidence and fluency with a good degree of pronunciation and intonation.
  • Write in French for different purposes and audiences with a growing knowledge of basic grammatical structures.
  • Leave with an excellent initial knowledge along with the confidence and a passion to study French, and other Modern Foreign Languages, at a higher level.

 What our children say about their learning in French:-

'I like learning how to say different words in French and we always write the date in French.' Lily-Rose Y3

'If you went to France you would be able to speak to people.' Lottie Year 3

'When you get your words and sentences right, it feels really good to achieve.' Albie Year 3


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